boichiks and maidels - boys and girls bubbie - grandma glaisele tay - glass of tea oy vay! - oh my! gezunt and geshmak - healthy and tasty kinderlakh - children gelt - money kloppin' - bangin' shtickele - small piece tummel - fuss barukhas - blessings ains, tzvay, drei - one, two, three gotkes - long underwear latkes -potato pancakes yarmulka - skull cap menorah - candlabra Yiddishe kinder - Jewish children kineahora - evil eye hoise - house a guppel, a messer - a fork, a knife fressen - eating knaidlakh - motzaballs kreplakh - dumplings gegessen - he ate schnapps - whiskey boychik - boy knishes - stuffed pastry Oy Gevalt - Oh Help! hoysen - pants tish - table koshereh - Kosher Pesah - Passover seder - Passover service with meal geshrai - yell Gut Yontif - Happy Holiday Back To Lyrics |